You, our Sustaining Partners, make affordable access to Justice for All possible!
We cannot do this work of Love and
Justice without you! Everyone
has an opportunity to join GWLS as a Partner and work together for Love
and Justice. Your power -- the energy, resources, and skills that you
have to offer -- are vital pieces of the collective work of Love and
Justice in our world. Whether it's providing a one-time gift, a
recurring donation, gifts of stock, IRA and planned giving, your time
and talent as a volunteer, or spreading the word about the work of GWLS,
you have a crucial role to play.
Justice Gap -- the gap between those who can afford to pay for legal
representation and the very few who can get free legal aid -- is growing
and affects a huge portion of our communities. Some estimates reveal
that 70% of American households fall into this Justice Gap, putting individuals and families on the precipice of poverty! But together, we can close this devastating gap.
Thus, Greater Waco Legal Services provides affordable
legal services, holistic advocacy, and community-driven problem-solving
so that all members of our community have equal access to justice. As a nonprofit law firm for the rest of us, through sliding scale fees we offer experienced, compassionate legal services that people can afford. No
one is turned away due to the inability to pay. Thank you for making this affordable access to justice possible!